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Image / A Night

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A Night
Hibi, Hisako
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Japanese American National Museum (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Contributing Institution
Japanese American National Museum
Hibi (Hisako) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Unframed stretched canvas. Image of very dark barracks with a mountain in the background.
This painting is the only known night scene Hisako Hibi painted while at Topaz concentration camp. A few barracks are visible in the distance, discernible in the darkness only by the glow of lights from the barrack interiors. The structures are framed by the sharp geometric outline of the mountain range in the background. The darkness overwhelms and smothers the image of camp. Even the yellow lights of the buildings are only dim suggestions of activity in this otherwise somber scene. Hibi most likely completely imagined this scene given the restrictions that prohibited internees from roaming the camp grounds at night.
Painting oil on canvas
Concentration Camps, Topaz | barracks | mountain

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