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(title unknown)
Publication Information
California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives, Dept of Special Collections, Donald Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9010,, (805) 893-8563, URL:
Contributing Institution
UC Santa Barbara, Library, Department of Special Research Collections
El Teatro Campesino Archives
Rights Information
Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
Consult repository for copyright holder information
California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives, Dept of Special Collections, Donald Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9010; (805) 893-8563
"Bandido!" is a 20th century melodrama that dealt with the meteoric rise and fall of Tiburcio Vasquez, late in his twenty-year career as a bandit . Born into a nobel Monterey family, he was caught in the grip of historical circumstances and emerged as a horse thief and stagecoach robber, but with a romantic flair. The time frame of the story is 1873-1875, a quarter of a century after the gold rush. “Bandido!” begins with Vasquez returning to California after escaping t o Mexico for a time. He returns with great plans-seeking to accomplish more with his life than stealing horses and robbing stagecoaches. His new plans include robbing trains and sacking entire towns in the wilderness. He returns to his headquarters in the New Idria Mines and organizes a new band of outlaws. Among them is a Chilean miner whose wife Rosario, falls, hopelessly in love with Vasquez; and he with her. This romantic triangle proves to be his undoing but not before he accomplishes one of his aims and holds up an entire town.
35mm slide
Fourth of July
Teatro Campesino (Organization)
Mexican Americans
Vasquez, Tiburcio, 1835-1875
San Juan Bautista (Calif.)

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