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Third World Strike at University of California, Berkeley collection, 1968-1972

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Third World Strike at University of California, Berkeley collection, 1968-1972
In 1968, a coalition of African American, Asian American, Chicano, and Native American student groups united as the Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) at San Francisco State University (then San Francisco State College). The TWLF led student strikes demanded the establishment of a Third World College. A few months following the Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) student initiated strike at SFSU, a coalition of students at the University of California united under their own TWLF and organized a solidarity strike on the Berkeley campus. On January 22, 1969 the strike began with five major demands and lasted for several months. On March 7, 1969, after violent police action against prolonged student striking and administrative resistance, UC President Hitch authorized the establishment of the UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Department. The full collection is available at the UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library.
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